Saturday, January 19, 2013

just breathe.....

its 11p.m. on a saturday night i am sleepy but of course i am not going to sleep any time son has had a serious bout with the stomach flu since three days before christmas....he is better but he still is not 100% meaning he still has had moments where he has had to run to the john...but as long as he is running, eating, talking, and playing this mama isnt going to complain about the little oopsy here and there...
this had been the worse brodie has ever been bad that on christmas day we ended up in the e.r. that awful is that for a four year old...the one day that is supposed to be the happiest day of the whole year for you and you cant enjoy it...poor baby couldnt go to the bathroom by himself..meaning i had to carry him...if he even knew it was coming...most times he had no warning at all...alot of times he wasnt even aware that it was even was sooo sad....the doctors at the e.r...gave us nothing...told us it had to run its i understand the logic in all of this...but child couldnt even sit up...he wasnt drinking...he wasnt eating...but he was pooping the next day i went to my family doctor and he gave us something that would stop the violent pooping...and that worked....but then other stuff was happening that i wont go into detail with but it was basically the same thing...he still had no energy...still didnt want to  play with anything he had gotten for christmas or go outside and play with his swing-set santa claus brought or anything...he had no energy....this went on for about a week...
then he woke up with a headache and it was like act 2 everything was happing again....but this time he was drinking...atleast he was drinking...and this time i let it run its course like everyone crawled my butt about the first time about (but if you dont have kids you cant tell me that) and for five whole days he ate NOTHING) on the sixth day i managed to get him to eat a bowl of grits...and he ate them...and it was the best thing i had ever seen in my life...he at 10 bites...and kept them in....after he went to sleep he slept for about and hour...and i of course couldnt...he was laying next to me and i was praying to God and thanking him for getting those grits in my baby...when BOOM it sounded like a bomb went off...i jumped up and looked over at brodie and his waist was covered poor baby..and he was crying...i just went into robot mode...stripped him...bed...cleaned something for us to sleep something on him settled...that was like and hour and half process....after it was all quiet...i went out into the hall shut the door and just cried....cried like i have never cried had been almost three full weeks of this...and i am tired....emotionally...physically just drained...i want my baby better....i have tried everything...i started praying and praying and praying and praying....and i cried until i had no more tears left....until i had just exhausted myself...and i went back and cuddled up with brodie and went to sleep....
the next morning i woke up before brodie and went to the restroom and came back and he was waking up like he would normally wake up....i said hey baby...and he sat up and said hey mama and started talking like it was just a regular everyday morning...he was better...i couldnt believe it...he was better!!!!!!!!!!!! i have never been more thankful in all my life...THANK YOU GOD!!! he truly answered my prayers that night.....and he has been wide open pretty much ever since.....he isnt 100% his stomach is still if-y at times but he is better and that is all im asking for...
being a stay at home mom gets very lonely at times...especially when you have a sick child.....and having facebook, email, and text makes it so much easier to keep in touch and stay close to loved ones....and i would like to say thank you to all the family and friends and facebook friends who gave me their support and who asked me how brodie was during this truly meant the world to me....and it meant the world to brodie...cause i would tell him that so and so asked about you or so and so said they loved you and wanted you to get better he knows who asked and who did not...he knows who loves him....

through all this i have also realized there are some that no matter what relation they are to me and brodie i cant make them be apart of our lives and that is not going to force them...i am going to continue to live my life the best way that i can and raise my son to be the best little boy he can be and he will be just fine without these people because he has been for the first four years of his life he will be for the rest of his life also...

just remember to breathe.....pray.....and believe......

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