today is thursday....and i feel a little bit more want to know why???? monday night at 9pm i started to get this covered my whole husband and i thought it was just stress over a traffic ticket that i was to take care of on i took the usual meds...and laid down...and laid there the whole night while the headache got worse by the second...when morning came i felt forehead felt like an inflated eyes were sooo puffy that they felt like they were trying to swell shut.....went to the courthouse and got the ticket taken care of thanks to derrick peterson(YOUR THE BEST) the time i got home i was still feeling soo bad...the pain was starting to was going towards my left the late afternoon i was about to die...i looked at the clock and it said 4:42 and i knew that it was too late to go see my family doctor....and i couldn't have handled the ride to dothan to the e.r. i took another round of the usual suspects and laid back down....every time i moved it would throb it felt like an ice pick
just stabbing me over and over with every beat of my forehead was now just sore and tired from the headache that had been it was just on my left is just unreal how bad that can hurt.....
that picture accurately describes what i was yesterday i woke up and still had the same was just getting to be i finally get to go to the doctor and they gave me a shot...i go back home and go back to just sucks how migraines just take your life away from you...i have a little boy that wants to play with his mommy but she cant cause she has a just sucks....thank goodness he is such a good baby and knows that mommy can't help it and he even tries to take care of me....i couldn't ask for a better child...
today i still have a headache on the left side but it is starting to ease off slowly...thank GOD!!!! and i am tired...a migraine is like a roller coaster...the beginning of the migraine is like your going up the first hill.......the peak of the migraine is when you are at the top....and then when it starts to leave your heading down the hill...but when you get to the bottom your still just worn out like your body has been at battle...which it has..trying to heal itself....
so if you have a friend or anyone who has migraines and they tell you they have a migraine...just remember its not a simple headache that you can just take two Excedrin and get over it...migraines are debilitating and take your life from nice to people when they are in pain...
Sorry about your migraine...hope feel better. Btw, I've been sending you istant messages on Facebook with no response. Same thing is happening with a couple other people I caht with. Making me wonder if my thingie is working. Have you received any I.M.'s from me in the last day or 2? Just wondering.